Web and mobile application for managing damages in smart cities

Mobile application with a web version for citizen participation in the communication of incidents or defects in the urban environment. The app allows any citizen to notify the local corporation of incidents such as damage, cleaning problems, breakdowns,… helping to keep the environment cared for and in perfect condition. The citizen will be aware of the monitoring of their incidents, while the staff of the local corporation will be able to internally manage the reported incidents to allocate their resources in the most efficient way, in order to solve the reported problem.

Client: Mobile Application

Skills: Smart city


Web platform for the calculation and monitoring of the carbon and water footprint.

GoGreen simplifies the calculation of the environmental impact of production processes and allows non-expert users to manage and control on the one hand, and analyse and forecast on the other.

  • Calculation of carbon emissions of scopes 1, 2 and 3 acording to the ISO Standar 14064:2019
  • Calculation of the water footprint.
  • Creation of reports.
  • Based on international standards.
  • Traceability of information through blockchain technology.
  • Possibility of carrying out simulations for the design of decarbonisation plans and corrective actions.
  • Integrated in the European platform EFPF*.

Sector: Industry | Services
Keywords: Environmental impact, Carbon footprint, Water footprint

*This work is partially supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under the open-call competition of the EFPF (European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing) project. Grant Agreement #825075.